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Requester: Joanne
Title: 4.5/5
This title would've likely gotten my attention, wait, it did get my attention, since I subscribed to it way before I worked on this review.
Appearance: 9/10
Love the poster and the quote! "This love will never happen again" It makes me curious as to how the story will unfold, etc.
Forewords: 6/10
There wasn't any foreword, actually. But the quotes from the characters, somehow lets the reader get the gist of what the story will be about.
Plot: 16/20
Since your story is still ongoing, I will summarize what I've read so far:
Mir has just returned to Seoul, after living in Australia for five years. The first person that he called was Sang Hyun.- He's going to stay in Seoul, for good. - Byung Hee is her best friend.-Lee Joon is the popular guy at school, a complete flirt-She has known Byung Hee for five years.- Both Sang Hyun and Byung Hee like girl main character. - Sang Hyun founds out that G.O. likes her. .and is sad.- Mir and girl main character (the guys) bump into each other at Baskin Robbins. She pretended as if she didn't know him and introduced herself.- Mir tries to confront her, wanting to know why she left him back then. She lied to him, saying that she had stopped loving him. He kissed her, saying that she can "cry all she wants and hit him all she wants" - Mir and girl main character gets back together-
Note: Aww. . the one year anniversary part was so cute! . .- I still don't get why they broke up in the first place though.
Originality: 16/20
So, I've been criticized with this section before. I have to state this: Originality is based on me, the reviewer. Just because you (as in readers) have read a fan fic or whatever that's similar to this, it doesn't mean that I have. So, this is my opinion, my views, so yeah. . Just had to get that out of the way.
Almost all of the guys in the story likes the girl main character.
Joon's character; almost in every story that I've read, (just almost) there would be someone like him. The same goes for Hara's character.
Grammar/Spelling/Vocabulary/Punctuation: 10.5/15
You seem to never, no, barely capitalize the "i's". . and you're supposed to do that.
At times, you tend to forget to capitalize the characters' names.
Here's some of the mistakes that I have found, and changed. The ones in parenthesis are the ones that I have corrected or added.
Sigh, my day just couldn’t get any worst (worse).
I turned around to see who it was; it was no other then (than) my best friend Byung hee.
“Oh it(')s nothing. Something went in my eye.” You said while wiping your tears.
I hesitated while replying to him weather (whether) to tell him the truth or not.
[YOU’RE P.O.V] (Your POV) It's your, not you're, which is "you are point of view"
Because one minute his (he's) all serious and wants to hear it but the next minute his (he's) all happy and doesn’t want to hear it. -
“How can you punch my precious joon babies’ (baby's) face?” She shouted. (You're talking about Joon here, and only him, but you've used babies; that's more than one person.)
Flow: 4.5/5
The story didn't take too long nor did it take too fast to progress. Good pace-
Writing Style: 9.5/10
I like how you have a recap for every previous chapters, and also how you have each and every one of the character's POVs.
Other++ 5/5
Total: 81/100
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