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Requester: Jnster
Title: 4/5
I like the title. As a reader, it would've caught my attention- I would've been curious as to what it's about. Is it focusing on the blind date, or more than that? So, there, as a reader, I would go and read it to find out. (At first, I actually thought that this was a oneshot)
Appearance: 10/10
The poster(s) have the main characters; Taeyeon and Woo Young.- I love the fact that you have a different poster for each of your chapters. They look amazing!
My favorite poster is the one for "Tired of Waiting". curious as to what will happen next!
Foreword: 8.5/10
A foreword lets the readers know what they can expect from the fan fic; you've done a great job with that! Although, I wished you could have talked about the characters a little more. For example, you could have written a little something about their background, personality, things like that. Other than that, it's a great foreword.
Plot: 18/20
Your story is ongoing, so I'll just state what I've read so far.
After a month of having her teacher's license, Taeyeon gets a job as. . a teacher. Everything seems good, except for the fact that she doesn't have a boyfriend. She never had a boyfriend. Her best friend, Tiffany sets her up on a blind date, with a guy named Jang Wooyoung. The two met and pretty much fell in love with each other at first sight. - Taeyeon's first day teaching at One Day high school; what to do! She finds out that Wooyoung is her student. Teacher-student relationship. She tells Wooyoung to forget about yesterday.- Wooyoung sees Taeyeon with Taecyeon, the music teacher; he gets jealous. At the end, he finds out that Taecyeon is actually Taeyeon's brother-in-law.
Random reviewer's note: I really like the fact that Jay's in this fan fic. Just saying-
Originality: 16.5/20
Hmm. since I've been criticized with this section, I have to state this first: Originality is based on me, the reviewer. Just because you (as in readers) have read a fan fic or whatever that's similar to this, it doesn't mean that I have. So, this is my opinion, my views, so yeah. . Just had to get that out of the way.
I see a love triangle that will take place somewhere in this fan fic; Junho being the third person? I don't know, just guessing-
I don't know, in a way, there was originality, but then again, not. For example, teacher and student love relationship? heard of that. (And just watched that, from "Jungle Fish 2")
I also see some kind of trouble with Taeyeon and Wooyoung, since they now have a teacher and student relationship.
There's Sunny, the annoying girl who likes main guy character; follows him around, things like that.
Grammar/Spelling/Vocabulary/Punctuation: 13.5/15
There were some grammar mistakes, such as:
(for the ones that I've corrected or think should be added, I've bolded them)
"Thanks." She said with a shy smile.
It hurts her too but it was something that had to be done.
"Yeah…he's so popular in our class. I've heard all girl's (girls) in this school has liked him at least once…including me."
"We just wanted to know if we can take our stuff to the buses now."
"See, I met Junho not too long ago and well he wanted to see you.
Flow: 3/5
Everything seemed to be going a bit fast. Taeyeon and Wooyoung went on a blind date. She soon finds out that Wooyoung is her student.
Writing Style: 9/10
I was kinda sorta hoping that the characters' would have POVs or thoughts, you know? Like how they feel and etc.- But every writer has a different style of writing, and I like your style of writing.
Other++ 5/5
I really liked the trailer, especially the first part. The little kid looked so cute!
Can't wait for the next update! - I'm starting to like WooTae couple. .Subscribing right now ^-^
Total: 87/100
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